Honoring Those Who Left Us in ’17
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Published in: January-February 2018 issue.


IN KEEPING WITH this magazine’s annual tradition, we remember here the activists, writers, artists, entertainers, and other notable members of the LGBT community, and some allies, who died over the past twelve months. Please note that all deaths occurred in 2017 unless otherwise indicated.


Activists and Public Figures

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Artists and Entertainers

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Writers and Educators

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Psychologists and Scientists

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Websites: arktimes.com, awiderbridge.org, baywindows.com, bestofneworleans.com, bostonglobe.com, chicagotribune.com, dfl.org, ebar.com, gaycitynews.nyc, LGBTQarchive.com, katemillett.com, latimes.com, legacy.com, losangelesedgemedianetwork.com, miamiherald.com, moma.org, nola.com, nytimes.com, obits.oregonlive.com, out.com, playbill.com, presspassq.blogspot.com, slate.com/blogs, startribune.com, theguardian.com, times-standard.com, twincities.com, washingtonblade.com, wbur.org, westviewnews.org.

Also: Murphy, Pat. “Lesbian Lists.” Whole Earth Review, no. 75, 1992, p. 101, retrieved from Expanded Academic ASAP; New York Times Display Ad, Oct 21, 1977, p. 81, retrieved from ProQuest Historical Newspapers.


Photo Credits Edie Windsor: Robert Libetti; Michael Friedman: Tristan Fuge; William M. Hoffman: from Conversations with William M. Hoffman, Part 1 (video).


Martha E. Stone is the literary editor of this magazine.
